Simulating 3D Golf Ball Trajectory
Recently, for game mod I am developing, I researched simulating the trajectory of a golf ball in 3D. I found article “Interactive 3D Golf Simulator” very useful.
In the article, they mention this ordinary differential equation:
\[\begin{align} {m {d \vec{v}_{ball} \over dt}} = \vec{F}_{gravity} + \vec{F}_{drag} + \vec{F}_{magnus} \ [m/s] \\ {d \vec{v}_{ball} \over dt} = \frac{\vec{F}_{gravity} + \vec{F}_{drag} + \vec{F}_{magnus}}{m} \ [m/s] \end{align}\]We can solve this in real time using numerical methods like Euler or Runge-Kutta.
Coordinate System
A coordinate system should be defined so we’re on the same page:
This is mostly important for defining the y-axis as the up/down or the axis where gravity acts.
Gravity Force: \(\vec{F}_{gravity}\)
Simple enough:
\[\begin{align} \vec{F}_{gravity} = m \vec{g} \ [N] \end{align}\]The variables in this equation typically have the following values:
- Golf ball mass: \(m = 0.0459 \ [kg]\)
- Gravity vector: \(\vec{g} = <0, -9.81, 0> [m/s^2]\)
Aerodynamic Drag and Spin Forces: \(\vec{F}_{drag}\) & \(\vec{F}_{magnus}\)
In the article, they came up with the following equations for the drag and spin forces:
\[\begin{align} \vec{F}_{drag} = -(\frac{1}{2}ρAC_D|\vec{v}_{ball}|^2) \hat{\vec{v}}_{ball} \ [N] \end{align}\]In these equations, the constant variables are as follows:
Variable | Equation | Units |
Golf ball radius | \(b = 0.02135\) | \([m]\) |
Golf ball cross-sectional area | \(A = \pi b^2 = 0.00143\) | \([m^2]\) |
Golf ball drag coefficient | \(C_D = 0.23\) | - |
Air density | \(ρ = 1.225\) | \([kg/m^3]\) |
In case you don’t know, the vectors with the absolute symbol \(\left\lvert \right\rvert\) around them means that we need the length or the magnitude of that vector. Any vectors with the little carrot/hat symbol \(\hat{}\) are unit or normalized versions of the vector.
Solving for Translational Velocity
To solve the differential equation in Equation 1, we’ll use the Euler method. This is a numerical and iterative approach that will be performed in \(n\) number of steps:
1. Choose initial conditions for the translational and angular velocities when \(n = 0\):
These initial conditions would depend on how the ball was hit, but we’ll just choose convenient values. The above values should hit the ball in the xy-plane at a 45-degree angle with a decent amount of counter-clockwise spin.
2. Choose how big of a time step to take between steps of \(n\):
Smaller time steps provide better accuracy but require more steps \(n\) to complete the trajectory.
3. Define the next velocity in terms of the previous velocity plus the change in velocity over discrete time steps:
Accounting for Wind Velocity
At the end of pg 5. in the article, assuming the wind is constant, it can be modeled as a constant velocity affecting the ball’s velocity:
We’ll set the wind velocity to something easy to visualize on a single axis:
\[v_{wind} = <0, 0, 10> \ [m/s]\]If the initial conditions hit the ball in the xy-plane, wind on the z-axis will constantly alter the trajectory out of the plane.
Calculating Position for Trajectory
Finally, for each change in translational velocity \(\vec{v}_{ball}\) from Equation 9, we can calculate the newest position based on the last position and the newest approximated velocity in discrete steps:
Simulation Code
In JavaScript, the entire simulation of the trajectory of the ball through calculating its position is as follows using Three.js for some types:
import * as THREE from 'three';
// Constants
const m = 0.0459; // Golf ball mass: [kg]
const b = 0.02135; // Golf ball radius: [m]
const A = Math.PI * Math.pow(b, 2); // Golf ball cross-sectional area: [m^2]
const Cd = 0.23; // Golf ball drag coefficient
const g = new THREE.Vector3(0.0, -9.81, 0.0); // Gravity acceleration vector: [m/s^2]
const p = 1.225; // Air density: [kg/m^3]
const w = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 10); // Constant wind velocity: [m/s]
const dt = 0.1; // Time step for solving: [s]
// Set main variables to initial values
let vball = new THREE.Vector3(70.7, 70.7, 0); // Golf ball translational velocity: [m/s]
let wball = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1000.0, 0.0); // Golf ball angular velocity: [rad/s]
let position = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0); // Golf ball position: [m]
function Fgravity(){
return g.clone().multiplyScalar(m);
function Fdrag(){
let vballMag = vball.length();
let vballUnit = vball.clone().normalize();
let F = vballUnit;
F.multiplyScalar(-0.5 * p * A * Cd * Math.pow(vballMag, 2));
return F
function Fmagnus(){
let vballMag = vball.length();
let vballUnit = vball.clone().normalize();
let wballMag = wball.length();
let wballUnit = wball.clone().normalize();
let CL = -0.05 + Math.sqrt(0.0025 + 0.036 * ((b * wballMag) / vballMag));
let F = wballUnit.cross(vballUnit);
F.multiplyScalar(0.5 * p * A * CL * Math.pow(vballMag, 2));
return F
function calcDvdt(){
let dvdt = Fgravity()
return dvdt;
function simulate(){
// Collect positions throughout trajectory
const positions = [];
// Vary velocity and position until the position
// goes below ground or end after an unreasonable
// number of cycles (hand-tweaked)
let i = 0;
while(position.y >= 0 && i < 250){
let dvdt = calcDvdt();
let vel = vball.clone().add(w).multiplyScalar(dt);
return positions;
export default simulate;
You can use the following controls to navigate the 3D scene:
- Hold mouse left-click and move mouse to rotate
- Hold mouse right-click and move mouse to pan
- Mouse scroll-wheel to zoom
- One finger and drag to rotate
- Two fingers and drag to pan
- Two fingers and pinch to zoom
In the next articles, we’ll explore what happens to the ball when it bounces off the ground and the dynamics during putting.